Why we fight.

Long after politicians score their political points and pass yet another law aimed at former sex offenders, the family members of former sex offenders are left to pick up the pieces of their lives.  From shaming to banishment to outright violence, these family members are facing harsh daily treatment simply because they are the family members of registered former offenders.  Arizona features some of the nations most regressive laws, including lifetime probation, and almost mandatory flyering of neighborhoods.

WAR feels it is time to reform the registry for the good of the over four million family members of registered sex offenders who live under the invisible punishments of the registry every day.

Our focus is to enlist registrants and family members of registrants to write letters and make calls to Arizona legislators and members of the media.  While registrants may be silenced by Arizona’s oppressive laws, family members can and  must make a difference.

It won’t be easy.  Politicians lie and pass these laws to score political points and to give the illusion that they are doing something. The media cashes in on scare stories, allow misinformation about sex offenders to be broadcast, and often do the misleading themselves.

This is why we must fight back harder than ever…this is why WE NEED YOU. It’s time to come out of the shadows and make our voices heard. Arizona has some of the most regressive former sex offender laws in the country.  Laws that don’t make anyone safer, and only serve to make it harder for ex-offenders to reintegrate themselves into society in order to become productive members of society.

If you are a registrant or a family member or loved one of a registrant, please join us in the fight.